Definition of Crystal set

1. Noun. An early radio receiver using a crystal detector.

Definition of Crystal set

1. Noun. An early radio receiver, having no electrical power supply except the radio waves themselves; it used a crystal of lead or cadmium sulphide and a wire (the ''cat's whisker'') touching the crystal's surface. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Crystal Set

crystal detector
crystal gazing
crystal healing
crystal lattice
crystal lattices
crystal meth
crystal microphone
crystal momentum
crystal oscillator
crystal pickup
crystal radio
crystal rash
crystal rectifier
crystal set
crystal sets
crystal stone
crystal structure
crystal tea
crystal twinning
crystal violet
crystal violet vaccine

Literary usage of Crystal set

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Researches on Diamagnetism and Magne-crystallic Action: Including the by John Tyndall (1888)
"On removing the poles to a distance and again exciting the magnet the crystal set equatorial. The same occurred, if the poles were allowed to remain as in ..."

2. The Poetical Works of Robert Southey by Robert Southey (1845)
"Here cased in ice th« apricot,lA topaz, crystal-set : Here, on a plate of snow, The sunny orange rests ; And still the aloes and the sandal-wood, ..."

3. Catalogue of the Special Loan Exhibition of Enamels on Metal Held at the by Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington Museum (1875)
"RELIQUARY OR PENDANT : oval, rock crystal, set in richly enamelled gold and ... CASKET : a long octagon in shape, of bevelled plates of crystal set in ..."

4. Radio Receiving for Beginners by Rhey T. Snodgrass, Victor Camp (1922)
"It was formerly the custom for amateurs to make or purchase the several parts or elements for a crystal set, and assemble them. Many still prefer to work ..."

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